1. Commonwealth Champion 2016
Dinesh Gajendran, Our Catalyst and Executive Director has been Recognised as a Commonwealth Champion who contributes in creating a Commonwealth that is mutually respectful, resilient, peaceful and prosperous and that cherishes quality, diversity and shared values. The Recognition citation is undersigned by The Rt Hon Patricia Scotland QC.
2. Commonwealth Youth Worker Award- Asia Region 2016
Dinesh Gajendran, Our Catalyst and Executive Director has been recognized as Commonwealth Youth Worker of Asia Region for “Empowering Young People through Sport and Arts acknowledging the creative and innovative techniques that youth workers employ to deliver effective youth empowerment programmes.
The Commonwealth Youth Worker Awards recognise youth workers who are instrumental to the positive development of young people. Youth workers can be found in a broad range of civil society and voluntary organisations as well as government ministries and youth departments.
3. Karmaveer Chakra Award and Rex Global fellowship 2014
Dinesh Gajendran, Our Catalyst and Executive Director has been awarded with Rex karmaveer Award and Rex Global fellowship instituted by International Confederation of NGOS(Icongo) and United Nations Volunteers
Karmaveer Chakra is the National Medallion of honour for proactive voluntary citizen action to Be & Lead the Change. These awards were instituted with a simple passion mantra – to recognize real life unsung heroes.
REX KARMAVEER GLOBAL FELLOWS are people who have the intent to make a difference and/ or are already making a difference by being voices of conscience and trying to make a difference in our world with their significant actions to be the change.
4. India Srilanka Friendship Award 2016
Dinesh Gajendran, Our Catalyst and Executive Director has been awarded with India-Srilanka Friendship Award from Srilanka United Nations Friendship Organisation for promoting cross cultural dialogues among two countries. This award has been presented during the India-Srilanka Youth Exchange 2016 in Srilanka.
5. SUNFO Supportive Fellowship – Srilanka United Nations Friendship Organisation 2011
Dinesh Gajendran, Our Catalyst and Executive Director has been recognized with SUNFO Supportive Fellow in 2011 during South Asian Youth Peace Youth Camp held at negambo, Srilanka.
6. Finalist- Manhattan International Film Fest 2014
Our Documentary film Beyond Boundaries has been shortlisted as finalist and screened in Manhattan International Film Festival, New york in 2014
Watch Here.
The Manhattan International Film Festival (MIFF) is an annual cultural initiative of the World Youth Alliance (WYA) seeking to recognize promising young directors committed to exploring the depth of the human condition. Previous films recognized by the festival have examined themes relating to family, community, suffering, empathy, the pursuit of happiness, truth, and the transcendent.
Beyond Boundaries also screened in many prestigious events including
7. Plural plus Film Festival, Newyork, USA 2011
Top listed in Plural+ Film Festival organised by United Nations Alliance Of Civilizations (UNAOC) and International Organisation of Migration (IOM)
PLURAL + is a joint initiative between the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and the International Organization for Migration, with a network of over 50 partner organizations, who support the creative efforts of young people and distribute their videos worldwide.
PLURAL+ aims to support dialogue between young people from different cultures, and in the process, increase awareness and respect for diversity. Creative media are such a powerful approach to this dialogue because, fundamentally, they appeal to a sense of shared human experience and common goals. The insight and creativity with which young people have produced videos on tough issues, such as human trafficking, social marginalization and racism, reflects the energy that youth bring to addressing social problems in today’s world.
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8. Global Youth Ambassador- A world at school 2015
Dinesh Gajendran has been recognized as Global Youth Ambassador for A World at School Global Youth Ambassador programme was launched at the 2015 Global Education Countdown Summit with United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon. The A World at School Global Youth Ambassadors are a network of young people advocating and campaigning for education change around the world
9. Community Hero Award @ The Great British Sports Festival, Abhinav Bindra foundation, British Deputy High Commission 2012
Dinesh Gajendran has been awarded with COMMUNITY HERO award for his outstanding contribution to the sports for development and youth development sector. The award has been presented by Olympic Champion Abinav Bindra in the Great British Sports Festival held at The British Deputy High Commission Chennai hosted by His Excellency Mike Nithavrianakis, The Deputy high commissioner for India
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10. Bharath Ratna Rajiv Gandhi Yuva Shakthi Award 2015
Dinesh Gajendran, Founder and Executive Director of Audacious Dreams Foundaiton has been awarded with Bharath Ratna Rajiv Gandhi Yuva Shakthi Award by The Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India and Rajiv Rural Development Foundation . This award has been presented by R.K Pachauri who was the chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (ICPCC) which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize,
The Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India (AGRASRI) was established in the year 2001 on the initiative of a group of academicians, scholars and administrators across the nation, under the leadership of Dr. Subhash C. Kashyap, eminent Constitutional expert and Former Secretary-General of Lok Sabha.
11. Ulagalaviya Samuga Senchudar Award 2015
This award has been conferred on Mr. Dinesh Gajendran, Catalyst and Executive Director of Audacious Dreams foundation for his contribution to youth development across the globe . The award has been given by Muthamizh Sangam, Gudiyattam which is a pioneer institution promotes and preserve the Tamil language
12. Youth Icon Award from Inner wheel Club of Gudiyatam 2014
Dinesh Gajendran has been recognized with Youth Icon Award by The Innerwheel club of Gudiyattam, Tamilnadu,India
Inner Wheel is an international organisation closely linked to Rotary that was founded in 1924. The International Inner Wheel objectives are (a) promoting true friendship, (b) encouraging the ideals of personal service, and (c) fostering international understanding.
13. Winner of International Special Project founded by HRH Prince Edward 2014
Dinesh Gajendran has been formerly awarded with The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award. Dinesh’s continued commitment to making a difference to the lives of young people resulted in his 2013 successful winning of a Special Project grant founded by the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation. Special Projects was created in 1999 by HRH Prince Edward, The Earl of Wessex KG GCVO. Dinesh focuses on those young people who are at risk, marginalised, or who might not otherwise be able to participate in the youth development programme due to circumstance or social context. His ability to lobby at higher level allows the Award to truly engage young people at all levels of society and provide opportunities with long-term, sustainable impact
14. The Social Innovation Award from The Peter Cruddas Foundation and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Foundation, UK 2011
Dinesh Gajendran has been recognized with The Social innovation award by The Peter Cruddas Foundation and The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Association.
The Peter Cruddas Social Innovation Initiative (PCSII) aimed to recognise participants who used their Award to make a difference to the lives of others.
The PCSSI awardees are who using sport as a tool for community development ; using the Award to raise awareness of a local, national or international issue ; Using the Award to bring together people from different cultures, religious or ethnic backgrounds ; Using the Award to empower girls or women
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Association provides the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award which is available to all 14-24 year olds and is the world’s leading youth achievement award. It equips young people for life regardless of their background, culture, physical ability, skills and interests. Doing the Award is a personal challenge and not a competition against others; it pushes young people to their personal limits and recognises their achievements. Since its launch 60 years ago, the Award has inspired millions of young people to transform their lives. Through non formal education, the Award can play a critical role in a young person’s personal development and is achievable by any 14-24 year old who wants to take up the challenge.
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15. Youth Goodwill Ambassador for India by SUNFO 2011
Dinesh Gajendran has been honoured with the title of Youth Goodwill Ambassador for the Republic of India by the Srilanka United Nations Friendship Organisation. This Award has been given in the National Museum Auditorium, Colombo in 2011.
SUNFO (Sri Lanka-United Nations Friendship Organisation) was formed on 22nd May, 1999 (National Heroes Day in Sri Lanka) by signing the inaugural declaration of SUNFO in Colombo – Sri Lanka by founder members of SUNFO with the patronage of the Speaker of Parliament of Sri Lanka Hon. Dr. K. B. Rathnayake MP and with the blessings of His Excellency Peter Witham – United Nations Resident Coordinator for Sri Lanka.
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16. Young Professional of Rotary International to Germany 2013
Dinesh Gajendran, Catalyst and Executive Director of Audacious Dreams Foundation has been awarded with Group Study Exchange(GSE) for Young Professional by Rotary International. Dinesh Gajendran has been invited to Germany for a month towards cultural and vocational exchange.
The Rotary Foundation’s Group Study Exchange (GSE) program is a unique cultural and vocational exchange opportunity for businesspeople and professionals between the ages of 25 and 40 who are in the early stages of their careers.
17. Gold Award Holder of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award 2008
Dinesh Gajendran, Catalyst and Executive Director of Audacious Dreams foundation has been awarded with Gold Standard of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Association provides the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award which is available to all 14-24 year olds and is the world’s leading youth achievement award. It equips young people for life regardless of their background, culture, physical ability, skills and interests. Doing the Award is a personal challenge and not a competition against others;
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it pushes young people to their personal limits and recognises their achievements. Since its launch 60 years ago, the Award has inspired millions of young people to transform their lives. Through non formal education, the Award can play a critical role in a young person’s personal development and is achievable by any 14-24 year old who wants to take up the challenge.
18. Finalist of United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education Youth Courageous Award 2015
The Office of the United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education was presenting Youth Courage Awards to honor the sacrifices of heroic young leaders as. This award aims to award 6 young people who had demonstrated leadership in the fight to get every child into school and learning. Every year the award that recognize and honor youth who have, through their personal action, demonstrated courage and leadership and as change agents for universal education.
Our catalyst and Executive Director of Audacious Dreams Foundation Mr.Dinesh Gajendran has been shortlisted as a Finalist of Youth Courageous Award by UN Special Envoy for Global Education 2015.
19. Best Entered Project- Beyond Sports Awards and Summit, Chicago
Our Audacious Dreams Foundation’s Sports for Development project Rural Challengers (Now it’s been termed as Challenge India) has been shortlisted and invited as part of Best Entered project for Unicef Sports for Education Award in the Beyond Sport Global Awards & Summit 2010
Beyond Sports awards and celebrates which celebrates the world’s most inspirational projects and organisations using sport to address social issues from around the globe and support, raise awareness and provide funding for ways sport is being used to help make the Global Goals for sustainable development a reality. Our Sports for Development initiative has been shortlisted as Best Entered Project for the Beyond Sports Awards & Summit, Chicago, USA.
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20. Chairperson Nominee- Commonwealth Youth Council(CYC)
Mr.Dinesh Gajendran, Catalyst and Executive Director have been nominated for the election for the Chairperson position of Commonwealth Youth Council (CYC) during the Commonwealth Youth Forum 2015 held at Malta during Commonwealth Heads of Governments Meeting 2015.
The CYC is the officially recognized voice of the 1.2 Billion young people of the Commonwealth. It is the largest and most diverse youth-led organization in the world. CYC plays an integral role in advancing the youth development agenda and co-ordination of activities and policies of the Commonwealth in the field of youth. The council works for and represents the voice of all young people within the 52 Commonwealth nations.
21. Social Impact Award at Global citizens youth assembly organized by Global Citizens for Sustainable Development
The Social Impact Awards (SIA) is conducted by Global Citizens for Sustainable Development (GCSD) to create a platform for youth, children and adults to use their creativity, innovation and compassion to transform society. Global Citizens for Sustainable development initiated a series Youth-led Development Program in 2010 with the Bangalore Campus Climate Champions which as the name suggests supported students who wanted to address Climate Change on the campus of their College. Audacious Dreams has been awarded SIA at Global Citizens Youth Assembly organized by Global Citizens for Sustainable Development.
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22. Global Understanding for Sustainable Development Awards (GUSD)
Audacious Dreams Instituted GUSD awards to recognize Individuals, institutions contributing for sustainable development in India and Abroad, Instituted in 2016 during the India Srilanka Youth Exchange programme from the hands of His Excellency Mr.V.Krishnamoorthy, Deputy High Commissioner of Srilanka for South India.
Name of the Award |
Awardees |
Man of the Millennium Award |
Mr.Kulandei Francis, Founder – Integrated Village Development Project (IVDP) |
The Guardian of Education Award |
Dr.G.Viswanathan, Chancellor - Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) University |
EduPreneur Award |
Dr.A.K.Khaja Nazeemudin, Correspondent of Jamal Mohamed College, Vellore |
Guardian of Human Rights Award |
Academy of Prisons and Correctional Administration (APCA),Vellore |
The Humanitarian Service Excellence Award |
Christian Medical College (CMC) Hospital, Vellore, India |
Friend of Women’s Education Award |
Auxilium College, Vellore |
23. Big Bazaar The Great Indian Awards
Audacious Dreams Foundation has been nominated in the Sports category for The Great Indian Awards )
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24. Discovering Young Leaders Potential (DYLP)
Dinesh Gajendran has been chosen to represent Asia and Pacific undergo Discovering Young Leader Potential curriculum and awarded with successful graduation organized by Commonwealth Youth Programme Africa Region
25. Embracing Commonwealth Values in Youth Development
Dinesh Gajendran has been represented Asia in the Embracing Commonwealth Valus in Youth Development Organised by Commonwealth Youth Programme, Asia Region and Commonwealth of Learning, Canada